Dickens’ 200th birthday, the ceremony at Westminster Abbey. (Live tweeting taking place under cover of the Order of Service, so as to be as unobtrusive as possible: all spelling/typos sic.)
Ha! Concise is not a word normally applied to me: I’m thrilled!
Becky King
February 10, 2012 - 7:11 pm
I’m immensely grateful. And envious. So little opportunity to wear and see fascinators here in the provinces. And all those Victorian celebs, dead and otherwise…..
Janis Susan May Patterson
February 8, 2012 - 1:34 pmThank you so much for sharing the ceremony! It sounds lovely. I envy you your opportunity to attend.
February 8, 2012 - 2:21 pmIt was. Despite funny (I hope) tweets, I felt privileged and moved.
Bruce Rosen
February 8, 2012 - 8:59 pmA much more concise (and interesting) report and one received well before the Australian media turned their grubby little hands to it.
February 8, 2012 - 10:19 pmHa! Concise is not a word normally applied to me: I’m thrilled!
Becky King
February 10, 2012 - 7:11 pmI’m immensely grateful. And envious. So little opportunity to wear and see fascinators here in the provinces. And all those Victorian celebs, dead and otherwise…..