Not Taglioni

Today’s mystery. I was writing a piece for the Sunday Times earlier in the year, and they sent me some images to accompany my review. One was captioned ‘Taglioni’:

Not Taglioni -- but who?

I’m pretty clear it’s not Taglioni — the shoes, everything about it suggests 1870s/1880s to me, and, although I don’t know why, I also think it says ‘Russia’ somehow, maybe an Italian dancer in Russia.

Any balletomanes out there with good eyes and memories?


  1. rob creskovic

    August 9, 2011 - 3:39 pm

    perhaps its Marie Taglioni the Younger, also known as Marie Taglioni, a.k.a. Marie Taglioni the second, and/or Marie Paul Taglioni (life dates as follows: 1833-1891.)

  2. inspectorbucket

    August 10, 2011 - 8:24 am

    Oh, that’s a really good thought! I’ll try and search out some photos to compare. Thank you!
