Tag: Websites

Total 6 Posts

The Living Death that is Facebook

My name is Judith and I am a Facebook nay-sayer. It’s beginning to need courage to say that, just as I imagine it does to go to AA. But I’ll say it, and again: I don’t get it. What is the point of Facebook? I’ve been there, truly I have.

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Contempt for skills, Part 2 million

OK, let’s get today’s rant over with, we’re all busy people. According to the Local Government Association and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, libraries are now to be ‘saved’ by putting them in doctor’s surgeries, churches, and other community centres (and let’s not forget their previous genius idea, putting

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Help write Victorian history

What fun. The British Library (here) is calling all budding Victorianists to join them on 4 June for a massive edit-in. The idea from the library’s point of view is to help spread the word about the depth and breadth of the various Victorian collections quietly waiting for readers at

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Workhouse saved

The good news has just come through that the Cleveland Street Workhouse, one of the very few surviving 18th-century workhouses, has been listed, and gained therefore a stay of execution. Instead of being turned into another (yawn) block of ‘luxury’ flats (does anyone ever put up flats that are projected

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An algorithm for friendship?

Goodreads is a website that was set up so people could share their views about books. In web terms, it is just a larger group of friends, all with a common enthusiasm. So far, so uncontentious. But now Goodreads has decided that 4.6m ‘friends’ is not enough. It has bought

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